While it is achievable to make money from a blog, the reality is that it is most probably going to take you over a few months to figure things out. Unluckily, blogging comes with a learning curve, mainly if you have never done it earlier. The wonderful thing is that it is doable if you can get a good topic to write about and begin providing helpful content.

Ultimately, you’ll grow some readers, and optimistically, the money will come. Pursue your passion when it came to starting a blog; that way, you will know lots of good information already about your niche, and you will never get fed up writing about it. We have arranged this list of 8 top blog niches; they all create loads of traffic and will make you money. Try to guessing out of which niche you should blog about, by looking at these 8 best blog niches that draw traffic and make money. Let’s go through them in more detail.

How to Make Money

Perhaps don’t really need to say a lot about this niche; it speaks for itself. You may perceive a lot of blogs in diverse niches making money offering this advice. Additional sub-niches in the How to make money niche could be Forex Trading, Social Media, Cryptocurrency, Video marketing.

Personal Finance

The personal finance niche is vast, and could effortlessly go beyond into the how to make money niche. A few bloggers take up the reverse approach and generate their blogs about economical living and how to save money. Let’s face it we all adore ideas on saving money, why splurge more than you need to. If you make use of this niche, you can give away economical tips and then demonstrate people how they can make money doing the same.

Health & Fitness

An excellent niche for traffic as most people would like to be healthier and better than they already are. It can be aimed across every reader, men, women, kids, the over 50’s. A superb idea would be to maybe niche down on one of these audiences. Monetizing can be difficult in this niche, so consider affiliate marketing to begin with. If you are a trainer, yoga teacher, or something related, then your own products and courses would be extra income streams you could include once you have a good following. Numerous bloggers combine this niche with our next niche diet and nutrition, and why not the two go hand in hand.

Diet & Nutrition

Beware of this niche as selecting just food can be hard to monetize as people are just seeking recipes and not actually looking to purchase. Traffic and building readers can be easier, while, as soon, lots of people are in search of ideas. It’s always crucial to build an email list whatever blog you initiate but even more so in the food niche.

You could also illustrate people how to start a food blog and create another income flow in the earn money niche too. Diet, on the other hand, has a huge monetizing side, but competition is high, so niching down is perhaps the best way to go.

Beauty & Fashion

This niche is more dependent on getting yourself known and being seen using platforms, for example, Youtube and Instagram. The writing of prolonged blog posts are not required so much in this niche, as images inform the story. Most of these blogs tend to build up into lifestyle blogs as the owners share their lives around this niche.


The lifestyle niche is one of the most varied blog niches, as it can differ on the sub-niches that a certain blog can cover. Don’t, though, think of lifestyle as just your daily life… may come across that harder to do. Integrate sub-niches that are within your life. Some of these could be:

o   Parenting

o   Food

o   Family Finances

o   Hobbies

For a lifestyle blog to be flourishing, you still have to be solving a setback that your blog visitors may have, for example, how to maintain your house neat, how to cook on a shoestring funds… you get the idea. The best approach to monetize lifestyle blogs is through ads and showing people how to launch their own blog.

Personal Development

A huge niche, this one, and who doesn’t want to be better than you were today. Okay, perhaps not everybody but still one of the best blog niches to be in. Works great if you niche down and again watch solving issues that people have: – Examples could be – Helping people conquer the panic of nervousness or providing goal-setting so you can become more productive.


Last one in our best 8 list and not one to be taken lightly, another huge blog market just waiting to be discovered. These tend to be run alongside other sub-niches, and also get added often to lifestyle blogs too. Huge traffic can be produced for parenting blogs, but monetization is most excellent through ads as most visitors are not in purchasing mode. Parenting is a beneficial niche, and one of the popular blogs new bloggers can start. Just think about it – there are entire stores dedicated to newborns and children. There are hundreds and thousands of products just for parents too.

Excellent niches are the types that assist people with their problems and have the prospective to make lots of money. We listen to it all the time; select one of the top 10 niches that you’re passionate about. While it’s correct that you should know something about the niche you launch a blog in and be fascinated by it, the fact is that not all niches are going to be simple to monetize. Don’t make the fault of starting a blog in something that you have no curiosity in. It will be very tough to treat it like a business and write excellent content if you are not interested in it.