Social Media – Featured – ibcData – Business and Marketing Latest News on Business - Entrepreneurship - Finance - Marketing - Digital Marketing - Social Media - SEO - Blogging Sun, 16 May 2021 13:36:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Essential Reasons Why Social Media And Digital Marketing Are Important For Your Business Success Wed, 23 Sep 2020 05:34:44 +0000 In the present age of technology advancement, businesses are advised to leverage social media and digital marketing’s ability and potential. Previously, the only available means of marketing was the traditional means, including television, radio, and print media.

Although these mediums are still in use, there is an advancement in how organizations and businesses are achieving marketing. Social media and digital marketing are quickly becoming the main methods of marking goods and services by both large organizations, multinationals, and also small business owners. Besides, the benefits it provides your business are incredible, and you can easily reach millions of customers worldwide.

The New Mobile Age

Generally, almost everyone access information on the go, by going through Instagram pages, searching for answers on Google, and checking out career paths on LinkedIn. Indeed, many people wake up to checking their social media pages and tour the list of social media applications they have on their phones as soon as they are awake. These activities go on daily on individual phones, which poses an opportunity for business owners to catch users’ attention. More so, in the social media world, it provides you with an incredible marketing opportunity as this is one of the best ways to spread your product details and mission to potential clients.

Indeed, pushing advertisements on social media, using tools like Google search engine ads, display ads, and other methods to capture mobile users’ interest day in and day out. The online space is vast, and as a business, you must implement strategies that revolve around digital marketing and social media management to help put your business ahead. Indeed the implementation of social media and digital marketing ads is essential to the growth of the company. Still, you must pass through experts who are well-groomed in rendering the services of digital marketing.

Why You Must Know About Social Mermaid And Digital Marketing

Getting to know the platforms where you can get your business cased to the world is interesting; however, to achieve a potential growth in your business, you must leverage on the skills of individuals that are vast in creating social media ads and managing digital marketing campaigns. You might be an entrepreneur, CEO, or business manager who would love to have his or her business out there on social media, then researching answers to how do google ads work is essential through reputable platforms.

Generally, social media and digital marketing are interwoven; however, you should be prepared to learn the nitty-gritty of this online marketing through platforms like hopps, as they always interact with vetted, certified professionals who can solve your problem in real-time. As a business owner, you are also on top of your game when you learn the right ways to market your goods and services through the help of experts in the field of digital marketing.

Important Reasons Why You Should Consider Digital Marketing And Social Media Marketing

Brand Visibility

Indeed, every business wants to be seen by as many potential customers as possible. Simultaneously, capturing these clients’ attention is solely based on how well you position your business online and what you have put in place for your business’s success. Increasing your brand visibility through social media and digital marketing can be achieved when you consistently post information and content about your brand, inform customers and followers about how well you have their welfare in mind. More so, continually reminding them of your services and offering them to the public space is one of the best ways you can further push your brand. Social media and digital marketing have been certified as a way to reach a wider audience and also capture more jurisdictions while you seek for more sales. In no time, digital marketing platforms provide you with a broader audience and easily catch people’s interest.

Cost-Effective Ways Of Advertising Your Business Product And Services

Indeed advertisement is basically a fund consuming effort that is carried out by business owners to further push their brands and reach out to potential clients. However, in the previous years, back when online marketing platforms aren’t available, traditional marketing means are very costly, leaving fund-consuming large corporations and multinationals to dominate the space. However, with the help of digital marketing and social media marketing, businesses, whether large or small, can compete on the same level and market to whoever they want. This is also a cost-effective way of marketing your product and services without breaking the bank or running into loss. Besides, being cost-effective helps you save costs and offer you the best return on your advertisement investment. The benefits are enormous as you can also reach an audience far away from your business location.

Engage With Your Customers

The best way to keep your business going is to gain access to an unlimited audience base and market. Besides, keeping in touch with your customers daily without having to put calls across or constantly mailing is one of the benefits of digital marketing. Indeed, keeping abreast of your customers through social media posts, constant advertisement of digital platforms would help your customers know more about the business, its benefits, and how they can buy your goods and services. Engaging and interacting with your customers through social media platforms is also one of the precious benefits social media and digital marketing offers your business.

Indeed as a business owner, you should never neglect the benefits social media and digital marketing services have to offer your business. More so, you benefit more through the digital media platform and compete with large corporation business on the same level without having to spend too much. Learning from the expert then avails you of the necessary skills that should be used to upscale your marketing endeavors on the internet. Aside from this, you should consult with the experts for the right guide through the digital marketing space.

How Social Media Has Helped Expand and Built The World’s Relationship Wed, 29 Jul 2020 06:19:58 +0000 Thanks to technology, millions of individuals now have their circles widened and expanded, which has also fostered a great unity. Indeed, there have been several business connections, networking, picking up new friends, and also having new acquaintances.

People in the world have new friends and coworkers and online followers, fans, and trollers through a powerful tool called Social Media.

Relationships built over the digital channels help millions of individuals access some new forms of conversation, interactions that could not be accessed through their immediate environment. Besides, the experiences that are cross shared through these digital channels, referred to as social media, are fortified with different cultures and beliefs. Some social psychological experts have contented that relatedness is only a basic psychological need of anybody based on their understanding of any individual. To help meet the primary psychological demand that is expected of everybody, the technological platforms created have been able to bridge the gap and create new exciting, and enhanced ways to develop on social media. The effect of technology in making social media networks more transparent has also created an exciting potential for users.

There are at least four factors that must be fully optimized by these technological-based social networks to achieve the potential of offline face to face interaction. The factors depend on flows, relationship interactions, and proximities, while understanding these factors is crucial to the value of social tools. Also, these factors play different essential roles in both online and offline communication or interactions. Indeed, social media platforms have been developed to help connecting people with similar interests and also serve as communication tools for people in different parts of the world. The factors responsible for smooth communication and uniting people of similar interests together are highlighted below;


It means the high possibility of people located close to each other helps foster communication. Indeed, when people are closer to each other offline, there is the potential for increased connection. Obviously, people close to each other physically would have a high chance of talking to themselves and making connections in the long run. Regarding online proximity, it could be defined as a common shared ground for people, which would help foster a relationship. Such common grounds online can be related to a professional group, shared interests of any form while it will boost participation in the group. One of the ways proximities are explored and used in building connections is the method adopted by the KLM air that allows passengers to book a ticket on their flight to choose who they would love to sit next to. Besides, another technological tool that helps support the proximity feature in the online space is the use of a global positioning system (GPS) on mobile phones to track users of the same social media platforms such as Baddo. The reputable online cab-hailing services Uber also explores the possibilities of GPS to help pair riders (passengers) and drivers together based on proximity of the two.


Flow is more relating to how information, details, and communication content is transferred from one person to another. Although, some people’s pre-existing flows are based on their offline connections with the other person. However, in the online platform, social media allows you to build relationships and make information flows without any form of pre-existing contact with such users either online or offline. This can be likened to trends and topics discussed among users of twitter social media applications through hashtags, without them having prior relationships or conversation of any form. The flow of information from one person to another helps you find information around a common interest, topics, discussion without necessarily knowing the originator of the new contributors.

More so, this factor also helps users participate in activities that do not necessarily require pre-existing communication before. Such activities could be joining a live-streamed concert, sporting events, news stories, or online forum participation, as seen in the Zoom application. New video feeds as Periscope has also helped the online social media platform grow in another dimension of information flow. People can then catch up with details in real-time, which signifies information flow on a whole new level.


It is referred to as a form of safe communication between two people or a group of people. It could be a direct message as it is observed on Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, and other apps, or an email conversation between two people. It could also possibly be an email chain between coworkers more than two. The significant advantage of this form of communication is that it is an interaction meant for a specific set of individuals considered to be part of the league. More so, as seen both in online and offline communication, interaction gives room for better expression, strengthening relationships more. Information is specific in such communication mode, while social media has also built its way of communication around these factors adopted from the offline method of communication.


As an individual, you would believe the social media platform has helped you build more constant and formidable relationships in recent times than the regular offline relationship. Perhaps it is the most common rewards gains form the participation in the online platform as a user. You do build a relationship over time in forms of friends, close contacts, connections, followers, fans, and many more. The new way of communication, which is the social media lifestyle, also offers you the benefits of maintaining a larger audience as your friend list. You could continuously explore and reach out to when you needed their help or information from them. To figure out the level of relationship you have with the other person on social media, you must define it as a user based on close contacts, friends, connections, or random followers.

Indeed, social media has helped foster a better connection and improve bridge communication between different users that share common interests all over the world.


Affordable Lighting for YouTube Videos: The Ultimate Guide Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:45:34 +0000 Lighting is the most crucial aspect of making professional YouTube videos. However,you don’t need a Hollywood budget to get the perfect light; instead, you need to be smart.It is necessary to know why lighting is essential for a video, determine the best type of lighting for your YouTube video,and set up a proper lighting rig.

So, Here is a complete guide on all the lighting tips and the best affordable lighting for YouTube videos:

Why is Lighting Important?

  • Quality of the Video:You must note that the quality of the YouTube video you record depends on the lighting of the camera, and it has a significant impact on the viewer. The camera price does not matter; if the lighting is not right, the video recorded will not be well lit. This is because cameras create an image based on the light that passes through them, and despite all the technological advancements, cameras need much more light than we do. Camera lenses cannot fully replicate the human eye and pick the same finite detail and contrast. Even if the scene looks well lit for you, it may not be well lit be for the camera, so more light will be required to make your video look professional.
  • Saves time on editing: If the lighting is right, the YouTube video you record will be of good quality, and you will not have to spend too much time on color correction.
  • Sets right Mood:A good quality YouTube video evokes the right emotions in your audience and projects the right mood. Hence, proper lighting can help you.

Basics of Good Lighting

It is pretty simple to create the best possible cheap lighting setup.There are three components for a good lighting setup:

Key light:This is the primary light that lights up your video’s subject(that’s you if you are a vlogger)

Backlights: This light sits behind your subject and lights up the shoulder and head; it adds depth to the scene.

Fill lights: This is an extra light that sits on both sides of the subject and plays a vital role in mirroring the key light and filling in the shadow that your crucial light casts.

To sum up, you will need three separate lights for the best lighting setup. The most important is the key light, so we will focus on getting that right first. You can check Video Lighting tips to get the best settings of lighting for your videos.

Different types of Cheap Lighting for YouTube Videos

After getting familiar with the basics, now let’s talk about different lighting sources you can choose from. The best five options are:

Natural Light

Natural light is the light from the sun. The advantage of natural light is that it is available everywhere and without any cost. However, the disadvantage is that you don’t have a lot of control over the sunlight. The lighting angle cannot be controlled, and the sunlight is not enough to give the best sharpness and clarity of the subject.

But there is a solution for this; disc light reflectors can be used to help us give little more control over natural light. They are cheaper than light sources; hence, it is a good option for YouTube video lighting if you are on a tight budget.


A softbox is a box built around a light source (like a bulb). This type of lighting has an external panel and a reflective internal material that plays a crucial role in diffusing the light and makes it a bit softer. The vital aspect of the soft light is that it emulates natural light pretty well. Moreover, it also results in a good option if you want a natural look in your video. Talking budget into consideration, you can add one as a front light and the other two on either side to add a professional look to your video.

Umbrella Lighting

Who said umbrellas were just for rains? Umbrella lighting is an affordable and portable light source that produces soft lighting for your video subject. Umbrella lighting pairs light with an umbrella, and this reflects and refracts light. Umbrella creates more controlled and directional lighting for the subject as compared to a softbox.

The curved shape of the umbrella plays a good role in facilitating the right and effective direction to the light and makes the edges of the shadow ‘pop.’ It also offers a broader coverage as the light is not boxed in as if it is in a softbox. Umbrella lighting provides dramatic lighting to the video. Hence, it can be used where you want a more polished look.

Ring Lights

Ring lighting is a light source in a ring shape and one of the most popular budget lighting option for YouTubers. Initially used for medical purposes, the ring light is now used in many creative endeavors. This is also the most comfortable option to set up as you need to plugin and point it towards your subject. The ring light provides illumination with little shadow because the light’s origin is very close to the optical axis of the lens.The ring shape of the light provides even and straight lighting, which helps in avoiding shadows altogether.

On Camera Lights

These are generally LED lights placed on the top of the camera as a fill light. These on-camera lights are lightweight, very intense, and sturdy. Thus it makes them ideal for various applications;significant amongst these is the ability to shoot anywhere. On-camera lights are usually square or rectangular and are more affordable than any other option.

What type of YouTube Lighting should you use for your Videos?

Keeping all the above information in mind, here is a summary of what lighting you should use in your videos, based on the type of video you are making:

  • Cinematic or Dramatic indoor Videos – Umbrella lighting
  • Natural look indoor videos – Softboxlighting
  • Beauty vlogs or makeup tutorials – Ring lighting
  • While for on the go YouTube videos –On-camera lighting

If you are a limited budget and don’t wish to add more expenses, then you can choose to use natural lighting and use a light reflector to enhance the aesthetics of your video and make them look more professional.


How To Get More Followers On TikTok? Fri, 10 Jul 2020 06:19:07 +0000 Social media platforms are a must if you want to make your business or brand accessible. TikTok is a social media platform that is now a day’s very popular among all age groups. Its popularity speed is increasing like an uncontrolled bull.

When you hear about TikTok, you might visualize an iOS and Android app where people make short lip-syncing or funny videos. But in reality, it is much more than that. It is having more than 800 million active users around the world. It is helping people to share their creativity and knowledge with the world. Many people and brands got recognition on TikTok. If you have just started on TikTok or struggling to get followers, then this article will help you.


Selecting Your Niche for TikTok Videos

You should brainstorm and think about your Niche on TikTok. The easiest way to find your Niche is to understand your passion. Think about things which give you happiness and you can do them even when you are exhausted. You can also consider your best skills in deciding your TikTok content. You might be good at teaching; then, you can create education TikTok videos. If you are good at acting, then you can create movie dialogue videos. It is an essential part of your bio setup also.


Attractive Tik Tok Bio Setup

The user name is the first thing that you should choose carefully. A simple way is to use your business or brand name as a user name. It is okay if your business or brand is already well known, and TikTok is just an addition to your social reach tool. In this case, you need to keep the same username across all social media platforms.

If it is your profile, then it should reflect your personality or your Niche. You can use your Niche as part of your user name, which will make your account stand out for a particular niche. For example, if you are in the fitness industry, you may choose a user name like “Fitness Lover.”


TikTok Bio Description

Spell out the purpose of your TikTok profile in Bio description. Users should be easily able to figure out what they will get by following you from your short bio description.


TikTok Profile Picture

Your profile picture should be of the best quality and should fit and visible in the circle.


Participate in TikTok Challenges

You will find many challenges on TikTok, which are trending in that week. You should participate in the TikTok challenges which are relevant for your Niche. Fun TikTok challenges that are easy to do are a great way to create a fan following.


Use right and trending hashtag

Like any other social media, hashtags help get discovered by other users on TikTok also. You should use as many hashtags as you can. Include few hashtags related to your video content for better visibility.


Create Duet Videos

TikTok duet allows you to create videos with another person without meeting face to face. You can work with other popular TikTokers and create Duet videos. It will help in gaining a cross fan following.


Post original creative content

It is not wrong to copy already viral or popular video ideas and to make your video with some creativity. 93% of the people on TikTok are doing so. But it is better to have your original ideas and creative content. It helps you stand out and raise your voice in the crowd. In the beginning, it will require more effort to prepare a video script and performing the original content. It will become more comfortable with the practice and by learning new things. Your followers will love the original content and will be willing to share with others.


Consistency Is the Key

The TikTok algorithm favors users who are consistently posting creative, exciting, and unique content. You should choose a frequency and keep posting regularly. Posting in peak hours can give you more views like morning 7 am to 11 am and 6 pm to 10 pm.

Follow Your Audience and Top Influencers in Your Field

You should follow each of your followers. It does not mean that you need to like their content and comment. It sounds silly, but it creates a connection between you and your audience.

You should also follow the top influencers in your Niche. You can follow their followers because there are high chances that they will follow you back. After all, you post similar content. It will help you gain followers quickly.


Use Popular Music

Videos with catchy music are high to get viral and result in gaining followers.  Music is a fundamental component of TikTok. You can reuse sounds from any other existing videos. You can even lip sync on famous movie dialogues.


Enhance Your Video Making

As your popularity grows, you should invest and use proper tools for filming your videos like good lighting, camera, tripod, backdrop, costumes, etc. Use an external microphone for the best sound quality. Learn basic photography, film making, and video editing skills. It will avoid your dependency on others and result in faster video production. These tools, with your creative content, will differentiate your video from other TikTokers.


Share Your TikTok Video on Other Social Media

You can get more visibility and popularity by sharing your TikTok videos on other social media like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

Tips mentioned in this article will surely help you gain a lot of followers, but it will need a lot of dedication and consistency. It may take a while to see the results. If you do not want to put much effort to jump-start your Tik Tok popularity rocket, then you should seek professional help and get TikTok followers from TikFuel. TikFuel has helped more than 5000 customers to gain followers quickly. It is a boon for the creative people who would like to concentrate on creating content rather than running behind followers. Be creative and Keep Rocking!!

Best Tips To Increase Followers On Your Instagram Thu, 04 Jun 2020 16:35:00 +0000 Everyone wants to get new followers on their Instagram account because each follower on your Instagram account can be a prospective customer. You may wish your followers will keep coming and getting engaged with your eye-catching images, attention-grabbing videos, etc. Instagram content is getting higher engagement than Twitter or Facebook. It means you have more chances on Instagram to convert a follower into a customer or a brand loyalist.

Let’s have a look at the most important aspect of increasing Instagram followers –

Instagram Account Setup

User name and bio

Your account should be searchable and shareable. For this, you need to make sure your username is easy to search. Users should be able to understand the relevance of your profile in a glance. They should know what you have for them.

You can use hashtag links in your bio. Always add your website link so that prospective customers can get more detail about your business from the website.

Instagram Profile Picture

If you are running a business account, you should choose your brand or company logo as a profile picture to give credibility to your account.

Connect your social media accounts

Connecting Instagram account to your other social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter account can give you better insight and multifold your post reach.

Clear goals and strategy

Clearly define the goals that you want to achieve by Instagram.

  • Do you want to increase brand awareness?
  • Are you searching for a new business opportunity leads?
  • Increase the number of loyal customers?

It would be best if you did a social media audit to understand what is working for you and whatnot. You can define your Instagram strategy based on desired outcomes.

Post best content

Content is the heart of Instagram, primarily visual posts. Honestly, you do not need to post every hour. You should post the only best result of your creativity. Best content means good visual quality, well-edited, entertaining, and engaging.

After you have posted a few posts, you should always analyze the taste of your audience. Try to understand what kind of content your users like, Is it videos or images? Which content post is getting more comments or engagement? These will give good insight for planning your forward content strategy. Use hashtag and geolocation in your post. Geolocation is best to reach local users.

Instagram post captions can be up to 2200 characters, but we recommend using content not more than 150 characters.

Posting content as Stories is also essential. Stories are useful for highlighting “in the moment” posts, which will disappear in 24 hours. These stories can be interactive polls, questions, and highlights for increasing personal connection with followers.

You should also time your posts. For example, if you are related to the travel industry, then Friday Morning time is best, and if you are from the food industry, then Friday 11 to 1 pm is the best time.

Hashtags are angels of discovery

Use relevant hashtags in your post for increasing discovery and visibility. Think hashtags as your best friend because they help you in getting discovered by new users. Use trending and focused hashtags for getting maximum exposure. You can establish your brand by using clever hashtags. Onor an average, you should use 4 to 8 hashtags per post.

You should avoid using repetitive or irrelevant hashtags because users can select the “Don’t Show for This Hashtag” option if they don’t like it.

A business profile can see insights about the effectiveness of their hashtags.

Understand Demographics

You need to understand your audience demographics like age, gender, education, relationship status, interests, etc. This information helps you know your target audience and helps you to select appropriate content. For example – If you know your audience is in Singapore, you will post based on Singapore timings.

It also helps to target your audience if you are running Instagram ads on your account.

Position yourself as an expert

Position yourself as an expert by providing tips in the form of images or small videos.

Promote your Instagram presence online and offline

If you already have followers on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., then you should promote your Instagram presence on other social media platforms. It will help your existing social media followers to connect with you on Instagram.

Start sharing your Instagram nametag offline communication and materials like your product packaging box.

Monitoring Comments

If you want your follower’s engagement, then you also need to engage with them. You should always monitor and value comments given by users and provide a proper reply. It will help you understand your active audience. Your users will feel that you care about them and appreciate their effort in putting a comment. You may want to provide some of them your giveaways, which will help in your brand establishment.

Connect with Influencer in your field

You should follow lead influencers in your field. It can be done by going to their profile and turn on post notifications. It will help you interact with them through their posts and be their favorite brand. Their followers might notice your profile and start following you.

Tools usage for Managing and handling Instagram

There are many tools which are available in the market at a minimum fee. You can also use BOTs to increase followers on your account. Instoo is one of the BOT which does that. Have a look at how to setup instoo instagram bot.

Build an Instagram community

You should always try and focus on creating a community of followers because that increases engagement, and a visitor to your account will get attracted to i. You can do the following –

  • Use Humorous content so followers can share with their connections.
  • Share content that can create discussion or debate between followers.
  • Ask a question in the caption of your image or video post.
  • Encourage to leave a comment, share content, or tag a friend.

As we saw above, there are so many things you can implement to increase your Instagram followers. Definite goals,t good strategy, and best quality content is the key. Continuous analysis of performance and engagement on your post will give you meaningful insights. It would be best if you always upgrade your plan based on the insights.

Why Vector Graphics is the best Option for Creating Business Logos Tue, 28 Apr 2020 07:05:24 +0000 You have probably visited a lot of company websites when searching for one service or the other. Your attention must have been captured by the colorful and attractive logos these websites have for their businesses. You might have loved these logos, but you probably didn’t know that vector graphics could be the brains and technology behind the beauty you see.

Vector graphics are made up of formulaic curves that make each image path, line or curve to look precise at any size, hence the clear images you see in most website logos. Let’s see why vector graphics are perfect for creating logos.

Easily Scalable

Scalability is popularly the best advantage of using vector graphics as it allows you to scale up the vector logos up or down as much as you wish to without tampering with the image’s quality. Furthermore, whenever you zoom a vector logo, you won’t lose the image’s sharpness.

Unlike rasterized images which when you zoom in too much, you get to see the pixels, vector graphics do not expose such pixels when zoomed. For this reason, that vector logos remain the best option for logo creation as they can be made to fit various sizes, including, business cards, billboards, posters, stickers, and many more.

In as much as other types of images are scalable, vector ones are easily scalable while maintaining high image quality.


Using vector-based software, you can easily export the files to any format you need, including AI, PDF, SVG, and EPS. Besides, you can also export your data to any raster format, including the JPEG, GIF, PNG, and TIFF, among others. Such a large number of sharable options gives you an easy time when sharing your logo with clients in soft copy.

It is also helpful to logo designers when they share a package of their designs with you so you may choose what you need. This works best when people can’t make it to meeting physically and are far apart. Through flexibility, designers can share their vectors and illustrations with royalty-free footage in their sites or even to your mails and personal contacts.

Easy to Edit

You do not have to worry about a vector graphic that you feel needed an additional touch to make it perfectly aligned to your taste. You can easily change the logo color and even rearrange the logo components. For example, if using vector-based programs like Adobe Illustrator, you can change the hue of your logo without much strain. You successfully achieve this by working with the color menu or moving the color components around using the selection tool.

This feature makes it very convenient for your business to get the exact format of the logo within your stipulated deadlines. You can work with the designer to direct them through the editing to come out with a perfect dream logo within a short time.

Some vector files have ASCII-format data, only making them easy to edit using the text editing tools. With these text editing tools, you can add, remove, or edit specific elements of your vector image without affecting the quality and other elements in the image.

Convenient Smaller Sizes

Unlike other logo files, like the raster logo files with millions of pixels to memorize, vector logo files lack these pixels. These pixels in raster files have X and Y coordinates and additional color information that need to be memorized by the file for clear images.

With such a vast amount of information to be memorized, it tends to be difficult for such files to be created in smaller sizes. However, for vector logos, it is much possible to have smaller, more precise, and convenient sizes since they don’t have to memorize all this information inherent in pixels.

Doesn’t Depend on Image Resolutions

Since vector graphics lack fixed intrinsic resolution, they cope with the resolution of the device in which they are displayed, such as monitors, LCD, printers, and many more. This means when using vector graphics, you will enjoy your image qualities depending on the resolution of the device you are using to view the file and not necessarily the image’s resolution.

This feature ensures you get the best view on every platform you are using to view the file.


Using vector graphics in making your business logos is much more reliable than using other options. Since it is a quality you could trust even in tight schedules, vector graphics are breakthrough options for you when you need your logos done in a short time with high image qualities maintained.

Being that you could export the files to various vector formats and raster formats alike, you do not have to worry about being limited in options of exporting your final drafts to your waiting clients. This relieves you of stress when handling last-minute assignments.

Smooth and Safe Images

Vector graphics have a smoother line, which makes their images easy to read and comprehend without straining your visual capabilities. You have probably, at one point, strained to comprehend what’s in an image, especially after enlarging it. The image ended up being more blurry with extensive box-like features, making it impossible for you to see what is in the image.

This effect could, at the time make your eyes watery if you have a problem staring at blur images. Well, with vector graphics, your eyes are always safe as the image will always be clear and secure at any size you want to view them in.

You have all the benefits you need when using vector graphics for image viewing, as it is a safe option and assures high quality all through. It is about time you had your logos created using the best logo graphics that offers value for your money and time. Remember, your business logo is probably the first impression a potential client has, and it has to be exceptionally good. There is never a second chance in making a first impression. Give it your best.

Why Every Modern Business Needs Influencer Marketing to Progress Thu, 02 Apr 2020 14:53:58 +0000 With the advancement of technology and the mode of life that the majority of the world’s population is adapting, it is becoming more efficient to run your businesses on the online front. Online stores are thriving and standing a lot of economic trials such as pandemics and threatened industrial shutdowns. For your business to stand out above other firms on the online platforms, you need to incorporate influencer marketing techniques in your industry.

Consumers trust marketing Influencers

Marketing influencers usually come in the form of personalities or even influencer stores at already established in the market, and consumers have proof of their existence. This trust that the consumers attach to the influencers can be a significant boost to your sales, and that is precisely why you are in business in the first place. Influencers are game-changers. If your business was doing just fine before incorporating their services into your business, they come in and boost consumer influx even further.

From the image above, you can see how a whopping 80% of marketers find it very necessary to use influencer marketing. Getting yourself a reputable influencer store where your services and products can be showcased to a large volume of consumers who visit these stores daily would be a better idea to consider.

Influencer stores and influencers create quality content

Without a doubt that for an entity to have a large following on the social media platforms, they must be doing or offering something good that is of high-quality and highly appreciated by their followers. Consumers tend to tag quality to influencer marketers, and therefore, whatever the influencers endorse, they would go for it without worry.

This would help you cut a significant portion of your advertising and other forms of marketing costs and only build a better brand with the influencer. In some instances, influencers bring in new ideas to your business based on the interactions they have with consumers out there.

Your business gets acquainted with the latest trends

With their huge following, it is effortless for influencer marketers to be on the knowledge of the latest occurrences in the market and trends that affect your business. This grasp of the newest knowledge in the market makes them very useful for your business’ relevancy and survival in the market for long periods.

You can take advantage of the influence they have to expose new products that are on-trend to your target consumers and make top sales. Going for marketing influencer stores would make everything even more comfortable as you get to expose your new products directly to your consumers as they make immediate purchases from the stores.

The rapid expansion of social media

In the beginning of this article, I mentioned the increasing trend in technological advancement. These advancements have seen tremendous growth in social media participants, making it very relevant for your business to utilize these large numbers. There is no better way you could achieve this if not by involving the key players of these platforms.

Influencer marketers have a solid standing in the social media platforms, and their voices are heard and followed with little doubt in these platforms. Having your business represented by them to your target consumers brings your business to the social limelight and gives you a competitive advantage over your peers.

With such numbers, as shown above, you are likely to benefit greatly when you indulge in social marketing with the help of influencer marketers.

The decreasing value of using Ads

You might wonder why I am advocating for influencer marketing, yet you could use Ads on social media to send your message home. The Ads approach used to be effective some years back, but not anymore. This is because; most social media users are increasingly blocking Ads on their platforms as they consider them a bother. Your Ads, therefore, are not effectively reaching your targeted audience, making your investment towards Ads futile and vain.

Users are increasingly downloading Apps that would help them block Ads on their platforms, and there is a high chance your Ad would fall in this category and be filtered away by your targeted consumer.

Influencer marketing, on the other hand, offers you a chance to meet your consumers at their comfort zones while on their errands searching for what’s trending and what’s new from the social figures and organizations they are following on social media.

Influencer marketing entails several techniques

With influencer marketing, you won’t necessarily concentrate on ongoing ambassadorship as the only method of exposing your products or services to your consumers. The marketing techniques included in it are many, including product reviews, brand mentions, event coverage, sponsored content, affiliate links, and many others.

With these broad categories of marketing techniques, you can maximize your influencer marketing investment and gain from more than one technique at the same time. Doing this increases your chances of reaching more consumers with the same influencer marketer.

Influencer marketing is not pushy

The main reason why influencer marketing beats the other forms of advertising is due to its nature of gathering its audience. Unlike other advertisement options, influencer marketing does not force users to like and buy whatever they are advocating for. It is always a case of willing buyers who love the influencers and willingly follow them to gain from the products and services they offer.

Plus, this willingness from buyers gives your business an easy time dealing with consumers as you tend to get fewer complaints or discontentment from them. As a result, you tend to concentrate on improving your services and coming up with better things to keep them locked to you.

When you get to understand what type of influencer marketing technique, you need to incorporate in your business and the targets you want to achieve, then you are set to get it up and rolling. You will never go wrong with influencer marketing as it is  door opener for your business. Try it out today.


Major Social Media Trends In 2020 Fri, 07 Feb 2020 20:32:29 +0000 In today’s world, the majority spend most of their time on one social media platform or the order, which has then made it an integral part of their life. Some people are so addicted to social media (especially the youth) that the first they do after waking up is checking their social media feeds on their phones.

Social media is essential to consumers, businesses, and marketers, but there is a whole lot of content on social media and making competition high as well.

However, having updates on the latest social media trends can help your business and make you stand out from the crowd. Social media trends do not stay the same year in year out, because of its broad user base, which is why you need to stay updated on the new trends.

Below are the latest social media trends that you should be aware of

The use of video contents

As a person who runs a business and your chief aim of being on social media is to get a potential customer. Putting up video content will be best for your business, mainly because video contents are the most engaging forms of content. They are the future of social media content. The video doesn’t have to an expensive or time-consuming. Now is the time to add videos as part of your content creating strategies. It is imperative to start using video content to stay relevant on social media platforms because studies show that 82% of social media content will be video content.

Posting of Ephemeral content

Ephemeral contents are contents that are made available to your audience for a short time and disappear afterward. Whatsapp status, Snapchat, and Instagram stories are typical examples of Ephemeral contents. Most people in today’s world have a brief attention span, and the way and rate at which they consume content have changed, and that is why stories get the work done. Stories are so addictive, short, and engaging, and people tend to spend hours going from one story to another, these stories disappear after 24hours. Stories have become popular, and marketers are using it to their advantage now, studies show that a marketer post on his/her story at least once in four days.

Instagram will remove likes

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms, this platform has implemented a lot of changes over the time, and the possibility of removing of likes is the latest so far. Mainly because likes tend to determine the social value of a person, and expecting those likes can have an adverse effect on the mental health of people. Removing of likes has been tested in the beta test and might be implemented soon.

Although there are people who do not agree with the given reason, they think Instagram wants to implement the removal of likes so that they can earn more, due to the fact that marketing has become so popular. Brands pay a massive sum of money to these influencers to get their products advertised rather than using the traditional advertising method. None of the money paid by these brands gets to Instagram, but if Instagram implements the removal of likes, there will not be a way for brands to measure the impact of their campaigns which will force them to go back to use the Instagram ads which will make Instagram a lot of money and brands will easily track the ROI.

Other social media platforms performing well

Instagram and Facebook have been the most used and most popular social media platforms for the longest time. But in recent times, other platforms have come to existence and have become significantly popular.

TikTok is an example of such a social media platform; it can come into existence in 2016 and immediately become popular among youths. There are so many social media platforms aside from Facebook and Instagram, which are popular, namely; youtube, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, WeChat, QQ, QZone, and many more.

The use of visual content

There will be an increasing use of visual content as brand and companies use images tailored and customized to add spice and more value to their post. Simply by adding their brand sticker on the image or the actual product into the stock image.

Connection + Community + Experience

In the year 2020, brads and companies have decided to go back to the basics. Self-serving social media will not work this year. The plan is to build a relationship with their customers, which is more important than just selling products and services.

As a brand, you also need to think of who your audiences are and focus on what they are interested in, and these two will help you in creating content that your audience can resonate with.

Majority of customers these days are looking for brands and companies they can connect with on a personal level; thus business needs to put in more effort into being a more friendly and helpful brand than just a service or product provider.

Furthermore, there are a lot of competitors on social media, adding a personal touch to your brand by genuinely connecting with people will help humanize your brand which will, in turn, will help your brand to gain your audience trust as well as potential customers’.

Also, providing an environment for your customers to do easily and quickly is essential, because these people want to know who they are spending their money with. Hence, creating a group on your social media platform (such as Facebook groups and specialized LinkedIn groups) is essential instead of just having a business page to get follows and likes. As a brand, you have the power to create an active community for your brand and create movements that will impact beyond just beyond increased sales.

Use of Influencers

Influencer marketing has become very popular, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon. Creating a crystal clear influencer strategy that integrates with your overall marketing strategy is vital.

Latest News And Trends About Social Media Tue, 14 Jan 2020 21:17:03 +0000 Social media networking has been one of the most significant shifts in cultural communication and integration since the world experienced an industrial revolution. The platform attracted millions of constant users who are creating an ever-expanding and functional social space and also revolutionizing the way we communicate with each other daily.

However, there have been many changes that have occurred on a gradual process since the fledgling step of social media, and it has evolved to what it is today. As you might be aware that improvement is never an ending cycle in any complex and growing period, as such social media has been on the scale of improvement day in day out. Presently, social media has become a tool that could not be relegated to the background since it has been under many trends and influenced by its users. The internet changes have brought about the changes been undergone by online social media, which is an underlying factor to its rapid growth. The concept believed to be online social media and networking started in the year 1995, although the content generated by those early social media platforms were very different compared to today’s social media space. The early social platforms were more or less filled with static information and a few socially interactive features. Social sites like were pioneer members of the social media platform giving users limited web-hosting space for users to put up their generated content.

Furthermore, the GeoCities network one of the founding fathers of social media developed its platform into a pre-defined set of a neighborhood where users would have to pick their neighborhood, and relevant information is returned as regards areas selected. As seen today, the early social media sites also offered features that promoted an exchange of ideas, interactions, and social integrations through chats, message boards, but they lack some social structure required of a social networking site. As the internet continues to evolve, the next social media trend evolved with the use of personal profiles, searching for friends and integration of social connection took place at the end of the 1990s. Furthermore, the social media platform became more standardized and more user-friendly, and users no longer have to get worried about putting up their profile online. Communication was much more easily accomplished as user engagement with social media platforms increases and got improved from the early trends through email services, online instant messaging, and many more.

Current Trends Of Social Media Networking

Current trends experienced in the world of social media today stated in early 2004 with the interest and much emphasis on building a robust social media platform that would allow various applications to access it. The option for renewed content to improve the engagement of users was also implemented to differentiate the early trends from the present activities being engaged with by users. The development of Facebook created an impression of what social media platforms should look like and the features implemented. Facebook hosting about 750 million users as at the current trends of social media changes the entire way social media is being perceived and shows that it could be more than a web application where users connect but can also be better. It has now become a platform where social activities, and also marketing is being carried out based on the social graph of the users. In the strive to maintain openness most of the major social media profile offers its platform to be designed and built by developers. Operating an open platform has made it so possible to integrate other functional social interfaces. This improvement has made it possible for social media sites to be accessed through the browser and also through web applications easily by their users.  Not only Facebook, Twitter, and other renowned social media platform can be accessed through a web app, but can also be accessed through SMS, smart mobile phone, and any other devices built with an interfacing ability. Photo sharing, status updates, location sharing, live videos, and video calls have become very much easier for users of the social media platform to achieve. Furthermore, some phone manufacturers have built phones with a customized button dedicated to their keypad for easy launch of these social media apps. This is typical evidence that over the past decade, social media has become the primary means and medium of communications as this can also be buttress by the fact that 50% of the total users of Facebook login to their account daily.

Some Recent News About Social Media Happening

Facebook Got Fined $5 billion by FTC

Recently Facebook Admits Technical Error in its Messenger Kids app, as the app malfunctions and connects children with a stranger. In a letter sent to two Democratic senators, which explain that there was a design flaw in the Facebook Messenger Kids app, which was designed to allow children around the age of 13 to participate in a group chat with random strangers without having the permission of their parents. This, in a way, has side steps of the main security features announced by Facebook when it introduces the app.

The social media giant responded to the congress inquiry about the occurrence been noticed in the children’s app. “We believe…that Messenger Kid complies with COPPA (FTC’s Children’s Online Protection Rule), and we are committed to continually improving it and our safeguards to ensure we not only comply with COPPA, but we meet and exceed the high standards of parents and families,” said the Facebook vice president on public policies.  It is very worrisome about the lack of privacy protection for the kids using the app as it exposed them to unauthorized users of the platform from the other side of the world. However, Facebook, in its defense, stressed it emphatically that “technical error allowed children to connect to strangers — emphasizing that the bug allowed kids to connect with unauthorized users only through a push notification.” In the long run, Facebook agrees to pay a fine of about $5 billion to the FTCs a resolution to the probe they are undergoing from the state.

The Trade Journey of Skype to Microsoft Corporation

Skype, as a successful tech company, is always ranked high among its equal until recently, they lost their balance. Skype is a video conferencing social media app, integrates both chat features, phone number subscription calling, and video conferencing capability. Most of the known successful tech companies came out from Europe, but the people that built those companies were not recognized. The so-called Skype mafia had a lot of names involved in the project, but only a few names stood out to the limelight. History had it that they got a venture capital fund of about $1 billion to push their software throughout the entire U.K. and California. Founded in the early years of the 2000s, after some tremendous growth, Skype was bought the giant retail online store eBay for about $2.6 billion in the year 2005. As compensation for the founding fathers of Skype, the deal saw both of them pocketing about $390 million each. The history if the deal was interesting as after selling Skype, the founders still maintain their ownership of some of the Skype technologies. In 2009 eBay eventually sold 70% of Skype off to an investor group that included Skype’s co-founders for $2.7billion. It was gathered that after speaking to some of the ex-employee of Skype and some close friends of the company, Forbes had rated about 10 most successful and influential people with the transition period of Skype. The journey continued when Skype was eventually sold to Microsoft corporations for $8.5 billion in 2011, with the former investor group (salt lake) being the clear winner of the overall deal initiated. The sales journey of Skype made a lot of employees early millionaires; however, the CEO and cofounder Niklass Zennstrom got themselves a lion share of the deal.

Security Breach of Twitter CEO Account

The wave of twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about the experienced security breach on his twitter account was an indication that the cyberspace is not a playing arena. Before Labor Day, Dorsey’s Twitter account became a platform for broadcasting wrong content, tweets, and including N-words that indicate a security breach has occurred. In a statement issued from the twitter HQ that they were “aware that Jack was compromised and investigating what happened.” However, it is uncommon that someone’s twitter account being hacked as less attention to cyber hackers.  Referring back to the ugly incidence that happened as far back as 2006 when hackers took over celebrity accounts of top users such as Mark Zuckerberg, Katy Perry, and others. After the breach of Dorsey’s account, his unauthorized tweets were broadcasted to about 4 million users, which sent Twitter into a frenzy. However, it was not stated how the account was hacked, but those un-authorized tweets were said to come from Cloudhopper, which was one of the services twitter bought to improve its SMS service. Based on the insinuations flying over the internet that it is difficult for twitter to protect its CEO account, what will be the fate of the common users of twitter?

Unauthorized tweet from the Twitter CEO account.

Tiktok With All Its Creativity Tue, 14 Jan 2020 21:06:40 +0000 The so-called Social creativity video app TikTok hits 1.5 billion downloads worldwide on the app store as well as on the Google Play, where India leads the table with 466.8 million or near about 31 percent of all other installs. The app was previously launched in 2017 by Chinese developer ByteDance, available in 33 different languages for markets outside of China.

TikTok is spreading its popularity

The results of 2018 show that TikTok has been made available in over 150 markets and 75 different styles. On January 23rd, 2018, the app ranked #1 among free mobile app downloads in Thailand and other countries.

Let’s TikTok

The app assists users in creating short music and lip-sync videos of 3 to 15 seconds and also short looping videos of 3 to 60 seconds. With its ‘duet’ feature, users can film their reactions in a specific video. Its small window is movable around the screen, which was another trademark of, making it much more exciting and as a result, its popularity developed steadily with time.

Research from Sensor TTower shows that the app has been subsequently downloaded for about 80 million times in the US and 800 million times worldwide. But in 2019, despite the short-lived ban, following persistent controversies, India has become a fast adopter, driving up 277.6 million downloads, measuring roughly 45 percent of all global installments. The app is like a pro in spawning several viral trends and internet celebs globally. It has spurred up songs to fame and is known to be popular among celebrities due to its social influence.

More on TikTok downloads

However, according to Sensor Tower’s Store Intelligence estimate, TikTok has been downloaded 614 million times already in 2019, raising it to the third rank of most downloaded non-gaming apps this year behind WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger with 707.4 and 636.2 million downloads respectively.

Neck-to-neck with Instagram

TikTok is one of the top five rare apps that is not owned by Facebook, and most interestingly, it’s the main competitor from Facebook’s roster of apps, Instagram, which the app outstripped by about 238 million downloads so far this year. Although the download number doesn’t mean that TikTok is more prominent than Instagram overall, it is probably close. In 2018, Instagram had one billion monthly active users, suggesting the number is now higher. Still, TikTok hit the same milestone in June 2019, suggesting that Instagram is probably ahead by a narrow margin.

Facebook and TikTok

TikTok is considered to be a growing threat to Facebook with its popularity amongst the younger Generation Z, which Facebook is eager to recapture. Mainly, Facebook has contributed remarkable and conscious efforts to uphold a mockery of TikTok’s success. In November 2018, Facebook had initiated a unique video-sharing app – Lasso. According to sources, CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s strategy was to introduce the app in markets that TikTok could not have a grasp of, such as Mexico. BuzzFeed also reported that back in 2016, Zukerberg spent six months in order to acquire, which later turned into TikTok. Moreover, Instagram started testing a new feature called reels with its Brazilian users, which was widely perceived as a TikTok clone.

Money, money, money

With in-app spending, the app is also on the rise as it topped $115.3 million during 2019. Chinese users have accounted for an estimated $84.5 million or close to 50 percent of the total spending, leaving behind the US with $62.4 million and Great Britain with $6.9 million.

Obstructions of TikTok

But previously July 3rd, 2018, the app faced severe issues with censorship, and was banned by the Indonesian government with an accuse of promoting ‘pornography, inappropriate content and blasphemy.’ Still, the ban was lifted on July 11th, 2018, after it pledged to task 20 staff with censoring TikTok content in Indonesia. Also, in November 2018, the Bangladeshi government blocked the TikTok app’s internet access.

Despite its unbeaten innings with India this year, the app confronted a brief ban. On April 3rd, 2019, the Madras High Court, while hearing a PIL had asked the government of India to ban the app, citing a similar issue that it ‘encourages pornography.’ According to the court, the children using the app were at risk of being targeted by sexual predators. The court further asked broadcast media not to telecast any of those videos from the app. The spokesperson of TikTok stated that they were abiding by local order before they take action, and finally, on April 17th, both Google and Apple removed TikTok from Google Play and App store. But on  April 25th, the ban was lifted after a court in Tamil Nadu reversed its order of prohibiting downloads of the app from the app stores following a plea from TikTok developer ByteDance Technology. India’s TikTok ban might have cost the app 15 million new users.

The overwhelming growth

It crossed the 1 billion downloads milestone in February 2019, taking just under nine months to generate a further 500 million installs. TikTok has its own flavor when compared to the social media giant Facebook. It is also reported that 65.9 percent of TikTik’s total revenue was fetched in 2019 so far. User spending was a total of $115.3 million in 2019, and a month is still left to go before the current year ends. But reports say that next month it might come up with a music streaming service in competition with Spotify, Apple, and the likes. And if that happens, the service would be limited to emerging markets before making its way to established ones.

To conclude, the company is all set to take many other internet giants by storm in 2020.
